full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Iseult Gillespie: Why is this painting so shocking?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Like the bombing of Guernica itself, Picasso’s pnintiag is dense with dtsiueotrcn. But hidden banteeh this supposed coahs, are carefully crafted scenes and symbols, carrying out the painting’s multifaceted attack on fscsiam. Decades after its creation, "Guernica" retains its power to shock viewers and ignite dtabee, and is often referenced at anti-war gatherings around the world. Hundreds of viewers have grappled with its harsh imagery, shattering sbmsiyolm and complex political messaging. But even without a close understanding of it’s complicated subtext, Picasso’s work remains a searing reminder of the true casualties of violence.

Open Cloze

Like the bombing of Guernica itself, Picasso’s ________ is dense with ___________. But hidden _______ this supposed _____, are carefully crafted scenes and symbols, carrying out the painting’s multifaceted attack on _______. Decades after its creation, "Guernica" retains its power to shock viewers and ignite ______, and is often referenced at anti-war gatherings around the world. Hundreds of viewers have grappled with its harsh imagery, shattering _________ and complex political messaging. But even without a close understanding of it’s complicated subtext, Picasso’s work remains a searing reminder of the true casualties of violence.


  1. beneath
  2. painting
  3. chaos
  4. destruction
  5. debate
  6. fascism
  7. symbolism

Original Text

Like the bombing of Guernica itself, Picasso’s painting is dense with destruction. But hidden beneath this supposed chaos, are carefully crafted scenes and symbols, carrying out the painting’s multifaceted attack on fascism. Decades after its creation, "Guernica" retains its power to shock viewers and ignite debate, and is often referenced at anti-war gatherings around the world. Hundreds of viewers have grappled with its harsh imagery, shattering symbolism and complex political messaging. But even without a close understanding of it’s complicated subtext, Picasso’s work remains a searing reminder of the true casualties of violence.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

Important Words

  1. attack
  2. beneath
  3. bombing
  4. carefully
  5. carrying
  6. casualties
  7. chaos
  8. close
  9. complex
  10. complicated
  11. crafted
  12. creation
  13. debate
  14. decades
  15. dense
  16. destruction
  17. fascism
  18. gatherings
  19. grappled
  20. guernica
  21. harsh
  22. hidden
  23. hundreds
  24. ignite
  25. imagery
  26. messaging
  27. multifaceted
  28. painting
  29. political
  30. power
  31. referenced
  32. remains
  33. reminder
  34. retains
  35. scenes
  36. searing
  37. shattering
  38. shock
  39. subtext
  40. supposed
  41. symbolism
  42. symbols
  43. true
  44. understanding
  45. viewers
  46. violence
  47. work
  48. world